
Traffic Law

This course covers parking and loading restrictions, road signs, alcohol and drugs, licensing, legal myths and facts, corporate manslaughter, port security and immigration as well as dealing with incidents, road works and congestion.


This module aims to ensure that you have a working understanding of the:

  • Relevant aspects of traffic law to help you to use the road in a safe and legal manner


By the end of this module you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate that you understand the legal definition of a road
  • Recall the national speed limits for different types of roads and vehicles
  • Describe the main types of road sign shape and colour and their generic meanings
  • Demonstrate that you know the meaning of road signs and markings
  • Explain why particular parking scenarios are hazardous and illegal
  • Identify different types of pedestrian crossing and the driving rules associated with these


  • Highway Code
  • Road signs and road markings
  • Access restrictions on parking, loading/unloading, setting down and collection of passengers
  • Pedestrian crossings types and methods of operating
  • Junctions
  • Driving licences
  • Incidents, road works and congestion
  • Mobile phones and seat belts, alcohol and drugs
  • Corporate manslaughter
  • Port security and illegal immigration

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